From salsa to summits

Meet the salsa dancers hoping to stay in step on their hiking challenge

The Rueda Ramblers are a group of salsa dancers who are getting into the groove to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge in support of Rowcroft. The ramblers will be dancing their way through this epic challenge to honour the memory of Jade’s dad, who was cared for by Rowcroft towards the end of his life. In this blog, we hear from Jade and her fellow rambler, Helena, as they share why they’re taking on this rhythmic challenge.

Dancing for a cause

Helena and Jade

Helena and Jade

“Our Rueda Ramblers group started at our dance school where we enjoy dancing salsa together,” says Jade. “At the beginning of this year, we discovered that we all enjoyed hiking and decided to start hiking together. We then set ourselves the challenge of hiking the Yorkshire Three Peaks. Wanting to make it even more meaningful, we chose to do it for Rowcroft. The hospice cared for my dad towards the end of his life in June 2022, so it’s a charity that is very close to my heart.”

“In Cuban salsa, a ‘rueda’ is a type of dance where everyone stands in a circle with partners, one leading and the other following,” says Helena. “Typically, someone calls out the moves for the group to perform. Our plan for the Yorkshire peaks is to find good spots where we can form a circle and have a dance! That’s why we call ourselves the Rueda Ramblers.”

Preparing for the challenge

“We’ve been doing some smaller hikes together to prepare, as the Three Peaks is quite a challenge!” says Jade. “It’s a 38.6 kilometres round trip route, which includes a 1,500 metre elevation, and will take us 12 hours to complete. But we’ve been practicing and dancing along the way, so we’ll be okay!”

Trekking together

“We’re quite a big group, with about twelve of us,” says Helena. “We’ve been dancing together for a while, and it’s been wonderful to go hiking and chat about things other than salsa, really getting to know one another. It’s been such a great experience that I think we’ll definitely keep walking together!”

“We’re excited for the challenge,” says Jade. “When taking on something like this, the key is having a good group of people with you. We’ve definitely got a great community. We’ll be encouraging each other every step of the way.”

Salsa steps for a cause

“We’re hoping to raise not only money but also awareness for Rowcroft,” says Jade. “I’m so grateful for the support they provided to my dad and his loved ones. It’s wonderful to be able to support Rowcroft in this way.”

If you would like to support the Rueda Ramblers, you can donate through their JustGiving page.

Shall we dance?

Feeling inspired by the Rueda Ramblers? Why not consider taking on a Rowcroft challenge event? Whether you fancy dancing, hiking, or exploring our range of 2024 challenge events, there’s something for everyone. Find out more about our challenge events here.

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