Please will you support us with a major gift?
When someone reaches the end of their life, the quality of their care couldn’t be more important.
We believe that expert support should be available to all people who need it at this crucial time of their lives, and no-one should be left to cope alone. But in order to reach and care for more people, we need your help.
We have great ambitions – to develop and extend our services to meet the escalating demands of an increasingly ageing population. With only a small percentage of our funding coming from the NHS, our care is dependent on people like you.
“The care Mum received at home was inspirational and gave Mum the opportunity to die at home with dignity, feeling at peace and quietly accepting of all she had journeyed through. We got to spend quality time with her, and to create and share happy family memories with her which would not have been possible without the support of Rowcroft’s Hospice at Home Team.”

Doris and her son Kevin
You can make such a difference
If you are a trustee or have links with a charitable trust, foundation or other voluntary funding body, or would personally like to make a difference to people in our community, please help us.
Whether you are a private individual or family member, or if you represent an office, trust or foundation, we have a wide range of projects that we’d love you to fund. We can happily discuss options with you and we will keep you updated on how projects are progressing. We also invite you to visit our hospice services to see first-hand how your gift is making a difference to our vital work.
“The team were excellent – so friendly and caring, professional, and supportive. They supported our dad so well and helped us all to deal with his death while working with humour and kindness. We cannot thank them enough.”

Rowcroft’s Clinical Nurse Specialist Julie Laing
You can make a real and lasting impact on our patients and their families
- £1,845 could pay for one patient to receive care from our Hospice at Home team so that they can be in the comfort and familiarity of their own home in the last few weeks of life.
- £2,800 could pay for 20 visits from our palliative social workers, offering practical help, advice and emotional support to patients and their families across South Devon.
- £6,400 could provide a full day of dedicated care for ten patients in Rowcroft’s Inpatient Unit.
To find out how you can make a difference please contact Alison Upton, Philanthropy Manager on 01803 210835 or email
“All of our family are so grateful we had Rowcroft – they couldn’t take the cancer away, but they made a heart-breaking time more bearable, more respectful and made dad’s last months more comfortable and less scary.”

Donna Hawkins with her father on her wedding day
Join our Grand Gestures Club
If you are able to donate £1,000 a year on an ongoing basis, we’d love you to join our exclusive Grand Gestures Club. As a club member, your substantial support will enable our teams to support more patients to die at home or in the Inpatient Unit as per their wishes, and to help loved ones to share precious last moments together.
If you’d like to find out more about the Grand Gestures Club, we’d love to hear from you! Please email Alison Upton at: or call Alison for a chat any time on 01803 210835.
Make your gift go further
You are probably aware of the Gift Aid scheme. However, Gift Aid only applies to the basic rate of tax (20%). If you’re a higher rate income tax payer (40% or 50%), you can reclaim the difference between the basic rate of tax and the highest rate of tax you have paid after making a charitable donation, increasing the value of the donation even further. For example, a donation of £10,000 from you could potentially be worth as much as £15,625 to Rowcroft.
“The nurses were angels; they brought such a sense of peace. They poured something over us to soothe us. These angels from Rowcroft, they do this 24/7; they are second to none.”