Tim’s story of love, loss and legacies

How Rowcroft supported Tim and Amanda

Behind every one of the 2,500 patients and their loved ones who benefit from Rowcroft Hospice’s services each year lies a heart-warming story of a unique journey. Former police officer Tim Stock from Bishopsteignton understands this all too well. Here he shares his own story of how the hospice supported him and his wife Amanda in her final months.

A journey of love and resilience

“I met Amanda in 1988; we fell head over heels in love for each other and we married in 1990,” said Tim. “However, one morning in 1995, Amanda suffered a brain haemorrhage. Four hospitals and eight brain operations later, I had learnt a lot about humanity, love and caring; Amanda returned home and we learnt to live together all over again. It worked for us and we became so very close.

“In 2021, Amanda fell seriously ill with cancer and it became obvious that she was not going to recover. She went to Rowcroft’s Inpatient Unit where the care was brilliant, professional, loving and so varied according to her needs. I was included in every part of Amanda’s care and I helped where I could. The staff had time for me as well, and I became part of the Rowcroft family.

“Amanda passed quietly in February 2022 with all the staff around her and with the love and dignity she so deserved.”

The impact of leaving a gift in your Will

“For about three years before Amanda passed we spoke many times about leaving gifts in our Wills to Rowcroft, as we realised what this organisation does for the community. I am now proud to say I have updated my Will with a gift to Rowcroft, and I would encourage others to do the same. Gifts in Wills make such a difference for this charity and enable others to benefit from Rowcroft’s care, love and professionalism, just as we did.”

Take part in Make a Will Week

The best time to make or update your Will is during Rowcroft’s Make a Will Week between 13 to 17 May 2024, when participating local solicitors donate their entire Will-making fee to the hospice. See: rowcrofthospice.org.uk/maww

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