Susan’s Flower Shops give blooming marvellous support to Rowcroft

Raising vital funds for Rowcroft Hospice

Susan’s Flower Shops in Paignton and Wellswood are supporting Rowcroft Hospice each time a Rowcroft hand-tied bouquet is purchased.

For each sale of the Rowcroft purple and yellow hand-tied bouquet, Susan’s Flower Shop will make a donation to the hospice. This will ensure we can continue supporting patients with life-limiting illnesses.

A choice of bouquet sizes are available – with £5, £10, or £15 being donated to the hospice for each sale. The donation amount is dependent on bouquet size.

Making an impact

Brian Wills Pope from Susan’s Flower Shop, said: “We are really pleased to be able to support Rowcroft in this way. We know what a difference they make to so many people. And really hope that our support will enable them to continue this great care.”

Alison Upton from Rowcroft, added: “We are thrilled to have the support of Susan’s Flower Shop. The bouquet is stunning – all in Rowcroft purples and yellows. I really hope people will choose it so that Rowcroft can benefit.

We would be unable to provide our essential end-of-life services without the generous support of our local community who fund the majority of our care. We are forever grateful for this support, particularly through these tough times where, as a charity, we’re grappling with: rising costs, low and stagnating government funding, a drop in charitable donations, and a growing demand for end-of-life care.”

If you’d like to purchase a hand tied bouquet, they can be bought at the shops in Preston and Wellswood but also online at

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