Offering Spiritual Care
Spiritual care helps us to draw upon things that we find comfort and strength in. We are all shaped by the people, places, stories and opportunities that matter to us – these bring meaning to our lives and shape our personal sense of self, our spirituality. These include: our core beliefs and values, important roles and relationships, achievements and gifts, and all that sustains and centres us. Our sense of spirituality is created from:
What matters to us? What do we hope for in life? What helps us to live life our way?
When we go through change, loss or hard times in life, and try to make sense of and respond to our new circumstances, we draw upon these deep-seated resources within us. However if these inner resources or our sense of identity are diminished, then dealing with challenge becomes even harder, and at worse we can feel that our very foundations are shaking.
Creating the space for our patients and their families to talk about what they are facing is so important. This short video explains the role of spiritual care at Rowcroft and introduces you to our beautiful Sanctuary.
Alongside the other members of our team, our Spiritual Care Specialist, Katie Evans, offers support to all our patients and their families. If you would welcome a listening ear, then please just let us know.
Visit our Wellbeing Hub to find out how we can step away from the stresses and strains of everyday life to gain a bigger, more accurate perspective on things.