Ensuring You Receive the Best Possible Care

Our consultants, doctors and nurses are specialists in palliative medicine. The medical and nursing teams work together to make sure you receive the best possible standard of care, whether that’s in your own home, a care home, or here at Rowcroft.

Rowcroft Hospice Medical Team

We work closely with your GP, district nurses and other healthcare specialists. Together, we can support you to:

  • manage your symptoms, including offering effective pain relief
  • maximise your independence
  • make your own decisions about the healthcare you want to receive
  • improve your quality of life

At Rowcroft, we believe everyone should be able to access high quality palliative care, so we provide training for junior doctors, medical students and other healthcare professionals. You may meet some of them while you’re under our care.

£408 per patient per day in IPU
is the cost to provide 24hr care to a patient in our Inpatient Unit
1521 patients were referred to our Community Services Team last year
patients were referred to our Community Services Team last year

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