Being Discharged from Rowcroft

While we do provide end of life care, many of our patients just come to us for specialist support before they return home.

We’ll give you plenty of notice that we’re planning to discharge you, and will explain all of your options. We’ll also make sure that appropriate support is in place for you. If you want to go into a care home, we can help you to find somewhere suitable, and make the arrangements on your behalf if you ask us to.

For more information, please speak to a member of the team, or download our Discharge Policy.

Speak to a member of the team on 01803 210800

Resources +

4 out of 5 Cared for at home
4 / 5
of our patients are cared for at home
1521 patients were referred to our Community Services Team last year
patients were referred to our Community Services Team last year

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