Funeral donations are a particularly meaningful way to pay tribute to the life of a loved one while also contributing towards the care and support that Rowcroft provides to patients and families in South Devon.
If you are organising a collection at a funeral or memorial service, we can provide you or your Funeral Director with collection envelopes, each printed with clear instructions. These discreet envelopes allow friends and family the opportunity to Gift Aid their donation, making it worth 25% more at no extra cost to them.
We are always grateful to receive these donations which are a vital source of income to the hospice.
To order envelopes, discuss a funeral donation or make a donation in lieu of flowers, please call us on 01803 217405 or email
Alternatively, you can ask those who would like to donate to send cheques directly to:
Freepost RTKK-UJRJ-XBKS, In Memory, Rowcroft Hospice, Ella’s Gardens, Avenue Road, Torquay, TQ2 5LS
Cheques sent to us directly will need to include a name, address and the name of the person they are donating in memory of, so we can thank them for their donation.