Act now on behalf of your local hospice

Please will you email your MP?

As the new government gets to work, hospices are struggling. Costs are rising and funding has stalled, yet demand for end-of-life care is growing.

Our loyal community has always been there for us, and we’re incredibly grateful for your unwavering support. But now, more than ever, we need your help.

With hundreds of new MPs and a new government in place, we’re supporting Hospice UK’s campaign to make sure every MP hears about hospice care and why it matters.

Please will you email your MP today? They need to know about the challenges facing local hospices and what they can do to support us.

Email your MP now

You can find the email address for your MP here. We’ve written the message for you below. All you need to do is copy and paste it into a new email, add your details and send. Your email could make all the difference to the future of Rowcroft Hospice, and others like us across England.

Dear (insert name of your local MP),

I’m a supporter of Rowcroft Hospice, a charity that each year delivers essential end-of-life care and support to 2,500 local people with life-limiting illnesses and their loved ones across South Devon. The specialist care and compassionate support that Rowcroft delivers is vital for those facing the hardest of times.

I am deeply concerned to hear that the future of hospices is under threat because their income is not rising in line with the growing need for their local services. Hospice UK’s new research finds that at least 20% of UK hospices have already cut services in the last year or are planning to.

The financial challenges – due to many factors including rising costs, a national drop in charitable giving, low and stagnating government funding and a rising demand for end-of-life care – underscores the critical need for increased funding to ensure the continuation of crucial services.

So I’m joining Hospice UK’s call on the public to write to you, highlighting the challenging financial situation of hospices and urging the new government for increased support.

Many thanks for your support with this important matter.

Best wishes,

(Your name and postcode)

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